We have listened to you: we have given your news, your messages and concerns a voice:

In Christian Wick, we had a reliable and forward-looking partner at our side. Dynamic, well-networked and full of ideas, he came through for us again and again.

Andy Sutter, Head – Marketing & Communications, Musik Hug Group

Christian Wick has been the President of the Zürcher PR Gesellschaft (ZPRG), the largest professional communications association in Zurich, for a number of years. He is an established PR expert, and the recognition and professionalisation of the communications remit are focal areas for him. In his capacity as President of the ZPRG, he demonstrates that PR plays out in a variety of ways, and he advocates training in the communications industry at the national level.

Béatrice Wertli, Secretary General, CVP Switzerland / former President of Berner PR Gesellschaft

Christian Wick’s agency is located on Gämsenstrasse, ‘Gämsen’ being the German word for chamois, a species of goat-antelope. That’s rather fitting. As a journalist, I am on the hunt for news and stories. He instructs and coaxes the chamois to be hunted down by me.

Köbi Gantenbein, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of Hochparterre

When it comes to giving innovative visual and creative execution a go, Christian Wick is always one of those who are up there leading from the front. Together, we have concocted and conducted a number of successful events and presentations. They’ve stood the test of time so well that, even years later, we’re asked about these stellar triumphs.

André Rueedi, Film Producer, Novelar Productions AG

In my experience: Communications as a discipline continues to be underestimated among the highest corporate echelons. In certain companies, it is still an inconsistent entity. This is even true of billionaire corporations, in which the communications function is often not much better than that in SME. Having said that, in the first instance, modern communications in today’s world is a core management responsibility for any senior executive and, secondly, it is not just a cost factor, but is highly profitable. Incorrect communications, particularly in times of crisis, can wipe out hundreds of millions.

Reto Lipp, Moderator and Editor, ECO – the business magazine brought out by Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)


Marcel Weibel, Head of the Department of Marketing & Communication, Schweizer Kader Organisation (SKO)

Christian Wick is the Stevie Wonder of the PR industry. Unparalleled copy and inspired insight. An industry stalwart, yet as youthful as ever. Skilled in the craft of feasibility. And much more besides. The VOICE of our time. Just not very superstitious.

Dr. Reto Wehrli, Schwyz

WickPR wins me over every time with its consistently seamless, capable and high-quality implementation of PR projects. Even when things get hectic, the CEO and proprietor, Christian Wick, stays composed and works in a focused and targeted manner. The agency has an excellent network within the Swiss mediascape. I cannot recommend the agency highly enough.

Markus Malizia, COO, Pure Storage Schweiz

What I admire about Christian Wick is his wealth of experience, his professionalism and his extensive network.

Renzo Radice, Global Head Investor Relations & Corporate Communications, Dufry AG

Christian Wick is always 100% reliable, not just as a PR professional, but also as a human being.

Bernhard Sutter, Managing Director, EXIT

I have been working with Christian Wick for close to 12 years. As a PR professional, Christian has robustly and imaginatively supported several of my real estate projects. One of these was our long-term, pioneering, large-scale project Greencity, which he supported during its developmental phase. Thanks to his intensive media and PR work, Greencity was able to establish itself as a flagship project for the 2000-Watt Society in the city of Zurich and across Switzerland.

Jürgen Friedrichs, Head – Regional Development in North/East Switzerland, Losinger Marazzi AG

I know Christian Wick from his work as President of the Zürcher PR-Gesellschaft (ZPRG), which has been conducting the Communication Summit at ETH Zurich for a number of years now. Every year, it is a pleasure to work afresh with such a professional colleague.

Roland Baumann, Head – Public Relations Expert Team, ETH Zurich

He maintains an overview, approaches assignments with professionalism and is always a valuable support resource: Being given the opportunity to work with Christian Wick is always a win-win situation for me.

David Strohm, Editor, Neue Zürcher Zeitung

You have a good PR agency; I’m always hearing about you. A customer said this to me quite recently. Yes, we’re in good hands with WickPR.

Rudolf Räber, FRXSH AG

I have had the good fortune to work closely with Christian during my six-year stint on the ZPRG Executive Board. Christian is a professional and engaging sparring partner, and his advice is also always welcome and heeded.

Grazia Grassi, Deputy Director – Corporate Communications & Media Spokesperson, Denner AG

I have known Christian for a number of years. He is a PR professional. Capable, reliable, creative. He has a great sense of humour. He knows virtually everyone in the Zurich area. I always enjoy working with him.

Ronny Kaufmann, CEO Swisspower AG

Every single interaction with Christian Wick – whether at a personal or a business level – is marked by warmth, expertise, empathy and professionalism and is, quite simply, a delight.

Luca Roncoroni, Director of Communications, HEV Zurich